A Mother's Bedtime Story
Shall I tell a bedtime story?
Castles and roads of gold you
have heard.
Feathers to fly, potions of
magic, chattering animal friends, are yours.
When we met.
How you smiled.
The fears and joys of watching
over you.
These are the tales you asked
They are the times we shared.
Stories are forever
For with each breath we
Create the new.
Bedtime stories to dream upon.
Memories that quicken the breath
They are remembered and retold.
All these I give to you and more
For we are not finished.
Today I tell myself the story of
When you are the voice,
Mine shall be the chorus, the
Harmony behind your bedtime tale
Told to your children
As they fall to slumber
Enveloped in an orchestra of
Singing generations of our lives.