Searching for a Traded Spouse?
If you scroll to the very bottom of this page you will see a small icon. Many sites have this. Most viewers never bother to look or just don’t care. The icon in question is for Sitemeter.

In my case, this is a free statistic utility where I can see where visitors are coming from, how long they stayed, how they arrived at HeyJudyArts and a few other details. There is no super secret information, just fun facts.
I check the stats every once and awhile to get an idea where “Trading Spouses” has aired. When browsing over the list today, I see Germany, Canada, Chili, Poland, Australia, Singapore and the Republic of Korea. Very neat. I wonder if any of the countries dub voices. That would be like a double edit. No telling what liberties could be taken. It would be amusing to see myself speak another language.
Aside from location, I can view what was entered into a search engine. Some are quite creative and the surfer often lands in the wrong place.
Spouse Trade - Eep! Chances are these people are at the wrong place. There might be sites out there for this activity but I haven't actually looked.
White carpet stains – I did a piece titled “White Carpet.” It had nothing to do with cleaning. Personally, I liked my rendition.
WoW Trading Spouses – World of Warcraft, a very popular online game and one I have never played nor do I ever plan on playing. Simple, dumbed down Orcs vs Cows? No thanks.
Trading Spouses money – Yes, money is involved! 50k worth. Before taxes, after show and no, nothing is left over. If you are really thinking of doing a reality TV show, money better be at the bottom of the list as a reason.
Trading Spouses Role Play Game – RPG for those that do however, the show is close to a role playing game considering the reality of it.
How to get on reality TV – That one makes sense and landing at my site could be of help.
Bedtime Story – I imagine reading my site could cause drowsiness.
Bottom line, (and icon at the bottom of the page) makes for interesting reading. Thanks Ya’ll!

In my case, this is a free statistic utility where I can see where visitors are coming from, how long they stayed, how they arrived at HeyJudyArts and a few other details. There is no super secret information, just fun facts.
I check the stats every once and awhile to get an idea where “Trading Spouses” has aired. When browsing over the list today, I see Germany, Canada, Chili, Poland, Australia, Singapore and the Republic of Korea. Very neat. I wonder if any of the countries dub voices. That would be like a double edit. No telling what liberties could be taken. It would be amusing to see myself speak another language.
Aside from location, I can view what was entered into a search engine. Some are quite creative and the surfer often lands in the wrong place.
Spouse Trade - Eep! Chances are these people are at the wrong place. There might be sites out there for this activity but I haven't actually looked.
White carpet stains – I did a piece titled “White Carpet.” It had nothing to do with cleaning. Personally, I liked my rendition.
WoW Trading Spouses – World of Warcraft, a very popular online game and one I have never played nor do I ever plan on playing. Simple, dumbed down Orcs vs Cows? No thanks.
Trading Spouses money – Yes, money is involved! 50k worth. Before taxes, after show and no, nothing is left over. If you are really thinking of doing a reality TV show, money better be at the bottom of the list as a reason.
Trading Spouses Role Play Game – RPG for those that do however, the show is close to a role playing game considering the reality of it.
How to get on reality TV – That one makes sense and landing at my site could be of help.
Bedtime Story – I imagine reading my site could cause drowsiness.
Bottom line, (and icon at the bottom of the page) makes for interesting reading. Thanks Ya’ll!