Virtual Memories
Many believe friends made in virtual worlds are not real. Granted, most are closer to acquaintance than friend however, as it is with Humans, we still sort and store memories whether from a virtual world, dream, real or other.
Online games often extend an opportunity to play free (Usually 7-30 days) if you were once a subscriber. The plan is to get the player back into the game as a paying customer. As in the case of Star Wars Galaxies, that plan tends not to work. Veteran players take the offer of free play but are generally disappointed SWG has not returned to it's pre-NGE days. These free play days offer a chance to re-connect with former virtual world friends. For some, that is worth the re-installation and patch time.
Star Wars Galaxies is currently in the free play promotion mode. I have chatted with six or so former gamers. They usually complain about game mechanics but are content to have their avatar nestled safely in house to chat. One such player popped in the other night. Always nice to "See" an old game bud. is the sword from years ago. A sentimental relic of a game long gone in a galaxy far, far away.
One of the things I've lost thanks to the House Packup program was a single unit of hide that I collected on a 3-5 hour hunt with a former guildy whom I haven't talked to in years.
I really wish I still had that thing. Reminded me of what used to be.
Darn, wish I had known about it. Wonder if our guild town is still standing...