Trading Spouses - Night Before Air Date
New blog...well, at least there's not much backreading involved. I did move some of my writings to ((plays with words)) Great read for sleepless nights. I'm hoping to share my adventure into the world of reality TV here along with the usual mindless banter. Right now I'm limited on what I can post besides, I haven't seen the show. (No advance viewing for the participants) I have seen the commercials. They made me laugh! The Chaffee kids looked adorable and it made me smile to see them again.
I was peeking in on the FOX Schedule and read that The Simpsons are Trading Spouses as well. (Sunday March 26) It seems Homer signed the family up for the show. What great timing. I am thrilled to be in such good company. I wonder what kind of hubby Marge will get.
This morning I got up, (I can't really say I was awake) at 5:30 to call in to a local radio station. The questions were simple and did it all in me jammies. It's strange to hear a radio professional's voice on the phone. If I closed my eyes I would have thought I was talking to the radio and not on the phone.
Eep! Now I'm getting flutterbyes...or maybe it was that bean taco. Either way, the show airs tomorrow night.
My Star Wars club is gathering for a viewing party but I'm planning on hiding at home for the show. At first is was only to be blood relatives but I think we will have some of the kid's friends over as well. They already know I'm nuts so I doubt the show will surprise them.
My plans for tomorrow include a HUGE cup of coffee via Starbucks and a trip to the gym. Running mindlessly on a treadmill should help with the flutterbyes. That's as far as I got with planning except an executive decision to order pizza for dinner.
Aside from my tummy doing flip-flops, I am looking forward to the show. It wasn't till a few days ago that it actually hit me that all this was for national television. "It's the journey not the destination", rings true.
Wish me luck!
Darth (?) Judy
I was peeking in on the FOX Schedule and read that The Simpsons are Trading Spouses as well. (Sunday March 26) It seems Homer signed the family up for the show. What great timing. I am thrilled to be in such good company. I wonder what kind of hubby Marge will get.
This morning I got up, (I can't really say I was awake) at 5:30 to call in to a local radio station. The questions were simple and did it all in me jammies. It's strange to hear a radio professional's voice on the phone. If I closed my eyes I would have thought I was talking to the radio and not on the phone.
Eep! Now I'm getting flutterbyes...or maybe it was that bean taco. Either way, the show airs tomorrow night.
My Star Wars club is gathering for a viewing party but I'm planning on hiding at home for the show. At first is was only to be blood relatives but I think we will have some of the kid's friends over as well. They already know I'm nuts so I doubt the show will surprise them.
My plans for tomorrow include a HUGE cup of coffee via Starbucks and a trip to the gym. Running mindlessly on a treadmill should help with the flutterbyes. That's as far as I got with planning except an executive decision to order pizza for dinner.
Aside from my tummy doing flip-flops, I am looking forward to the show. It wasn't till a few days ago that it actually hit me that all this was for national television. "It's the journey not the destination", rings true.
Wish me luck!
Darth (?) Judy
Judy, I thought about you all day today after watching the show last night. As another mother who plays online games (World of Warcraft, here currently), I was interested to see how you (and by extension, all of us!) were portrayed by the show. I found last night's episode unsettling, but I can't say exactly why. Are they playing up the gamers vs Christians angle? Independent women vs submissive? I'm not sure. Maybe they're just going for sensationalism, which is probably the most likely.
I don't usually watch "Trading Spouses", but I'll certainly be tuning in next week to see how you survive the week with the Chaffees. I would have asked for earplugs too. Yikes.
If you're interested, I just wrote about you in my blog:
Jane's Commonplace Book
You earned every cent of that money. I hope you and your family are enjoying it.