Who Puts the "Real" in Reality?
re·al·i·ty ( P ) Pronunciation Key (r - l -t )
n. pl. re·al·i·ties The quality or state of being actual or true. One, such as a person, an entity, or an event, that is actual: “the weight of history and political realities” (Benno C. Schmidt, Jr.). The totality of all things possessing actuality, existence, or essence. That which exists objectively and in fact: Your observations do not seem to be about reality.

I have been exposed to a few alternate realities. They come with pretty descriptions such as virtual, alternate and true.
Reality is fact, or so says the definition. Fact differs from one observer to another. I see a lavender sunset, my companion see a purple sunset. Perhaps we are looking at exactly the same beam of light as it spears a cloud but chances are we are not. Even if we view exactly the same beam, exactly the same cloud, our minds process the information differently. We form opinions and define our own truths.
Very few things are absolute. In my reality, popcorn is my favorite food. My best friend, having watched me consume copious quantities of dark chocolate, thinks otherwise. Nonetheless, popcorn is my favorite food. Fact, reality and yet questioned through the eyes of another.
Yes some things are undisputable. These truths tend to be simple in their basic form. The Earth revolves. Humans breathe. A tree grows from a seed. But what if? The Earth ceases to turn, a human dies, and the seed never sprouts.
Reality is one moment in time. A single snapshot that the photographer captures. From that point on, reality is open for debate. In the mind of the photographer, that one captured moment may always retain its hold on reality. The photographer shows the snapshot to another, and the viewer defines his own reality. Chances are….it is not the same as the photographers.
Be cautious as you define another’s reality. We as humans are gifted with imagination. We can take one thought and create an entire world around it. Imagination is wondrous and dangerous. In the minds of those that seek to define another’s reality, tales are spun and truths are often re-defined. These tales can be entertaining, upsetting and are able to cause harm or elicit reactions (Both positive and negative) beyond the original dreamers intentions.
And…popcorn is my favorite food.
n. pl. re·al·i·ties The quality or state of being actual or true. One, such as a person, an entity, or an event, that is actual: “the weight of history and political realities” (Benno C. Schmidt, Jr.). The totality of all things possessing actuality, existence, or essence. That which exists objectively and in fact: Your observations do not seem to be about reality.

I have been exposed to a few alternate realities. They come with pretty descriptions such as virtual, alternate and true.
Reality is fact, or so says the definition. Fact differs from one observer to another. I see a lavender sunset, my companion see a purple sunset. Perhaps we are looking at exactly the same beam of light as it spears a cloud but chances are we are not. Even if we view exactly the same beam, exactly the same cloud, our minds process the information differently. We form opinions and define our own truths.
Very few things are absolute. In my reality, popcorn is my favorite food. My best friend, having watched me consume copious quantities of dark chocolate, thinks otherwise. Nonetheless, popcorn is my favorite food. Fact, reality and yet questioned through the eyes of another.
Yes some things are undisputable. These truths tend to be simple in their basic form. The Earth revolves. Humans breathe. A tree grows from a seed. But what if? The Earth ceases to turn, a human dies, and the seed never sprouts.
Reality is one moment in time. A single snapshot that the photographer captures. From that point on, reality is open for debate. In the mind of the photographer, that one captured moment may always retain its hold on reality. The photographer shows the snapshot to another, and the viewer defines his own reality. Chances are….it is not the same as the photographers.
Be cautious as you define another’s reality. We as humans are gifted with imagination. We can take one thought and create an entire world around it. Imagination is wondrous and dangerous. In the minds of those that seek to define another’s reality, tales are spun and truths are often re-defined. These tales can be entertaining, upsetting and are able to cause harm or elicit reactions (Both positive and negative) beyond the original dreamers intentions.
And…popcorn is my favorite food.